Hello World

Hello World!

I have been thinking about blogging for a while. In fact, starting a blog was one of my goals for 2017. Problem was, I never could come up with something to write or so I thought. Perhaps the time just wasn’t right for it.

So why now? I’ve been writing software for quite a while. To date, I have used programming languages like VisualBasic, R, Prolog, C, C++, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Ruby and most recently Elixir. However, my visible track record shows nothing of my coding adventures. To any person that doesn’t know me personally, it would be easy for them to see me as having not been doing anything related to programming for the last 8 or so years. In this regard, I’m now convinced I’m doing a disservice to myself by not blogging.

The second reason I find myself blogging now is that from time to time I find myself wishing I could have a look at some of my old projects. Whether it is to borrow an old technique or to reuse ideas, I’m finding currently that the more software I write the harder it is to remember my state of mind and or underlying rationale when I did some things in old projects. For me, by far, this is the biggest reason to start blogging. I need to write letters to future me. I need to communicate thoughts, ideas and solutions. I find myself searching Google for things I’ve done before and there just is no reason for that. If I documented most of my projects then I’d know exactly where to look when memory fails.

Well, so much for a first rant. Let’s go!